Samán 10cm (orgánica)
El Samán es un árbol que posee una particular belleza por su majestuosidad, pertenece a la familia de las leguminosas, subfamilia mimosaceae, que se adapta con facilidad a distintos terrenos y climas, su presencia se encuentra en casi todos los territorios del mundo, a excepto en lugares altos.
Este frondoso árbol de Samán, también es conocido comúnmente con el nombre de árbol de lluvia, debido a su gran apariencia y frondosidad. Se desarrolla abundantemente en zonas de clima caliente, tiene una forma particular parecida a un paragua y sus flores se presentan como espigas que decoran los ambientes naturales con sus espectaculares colores llamativos blanco y rosado.
Recibe el nombre de árbol de lluvia, porque tiene la particularidad que cierra sus hojas cuando percibe señales lluvia, el cielo se torna oscuro, o cuando se avecina una tormenta o simples lluvias, por lo que se resguarda ante estos hechos naturales.
Es un árbol que casi no tiene requerimientos para adaptarse a condiciones del terreno, es tolerante a niveles altos de alcalinidad y acidez, es tan bondadoso que resiste la sequía, y cuando ya pasa a la etapa de la madurez, puede soportar charcos a su alrededor. Lo que realmente no tolera este árbol es la sombra ni tampoco el frío.
The Saman is a tree that has a particular beauty due to its majesty, it belongs to the legume family, mimosaceae subfamily, which adapts easily to different terrains and climates, its presence is found in almost all territories of the world, except in high places.
This leafy tree of Saman, is also commonly known by the name of rain tree, due to its great appearance and leafiness. It grows abundantly in hot climates, it has a particular shape similar to an umbrella and its flowers appear as spikes that decorate natural environments with their spectacular bright white and pink colors.
It receives the name of rain tree, because it has the peculiarity that it closes its leaves when it perceives signs of rain, the sky turns dark, or when a storm or simple rains are coming, so it protects itself against these natural events.
It is a tree that has almost no requirements to adapt to ground conditions, it is tolerant to high levels of alkalinity and acidity, it is so kind that it resists drought, and when it reaches the maturity stage, it can withstand puddles around it. . What this tree does not really tolerate is the shade or the cold.
This leafy tree of Saman, is also commonly known by the name of rain tree, due to its great appearance and leafiness. It grows abundantly in hot climates, it has a particular shape similar to an umbrella and its flowers appear as spikes that decorate natural environments with their spectacular bright white and pink colors.
It receives the name of rain tree, because it has the peculiarity that it closes its leaves when it perceives signs of rain, the sky turns dark, or when a storm or simple rains are coming, so it protects itself against these natural events.
It is a tree that has almost no requirements to adapt to ground conditions, it is tolerant to high levels of alkalinity and acidity, it is so kind that it resists drought, and when it reaches the maturity stage, it can withstand puddles around it. . What this tree does not really tolerate is the shade or the cold.