
  • Conserve biodiversity and store CO², we plant trees!

    Surrounding slopes are deforested in te last decades for catlle. The BDF likes to plant 2000 trees (€10.000,-) on the deforested slopes in order to expand the Muzkadino BDF Reserve and to make wild corridors and connect the National Park with the reserve.  
  • Sponsorship by Tuinreconstructie

    We proudly present our collaboration with the Biodiverse Development Foundation (BD). Since the establishment of the foundation, Tuinreconstructie van de Griend has been involved as a supporting factor. * Whether in the form of advice and the provision of know-how (capital) and / or financial capital. 
  • Welcome!

    Contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and the stimulation of socio-economic development by the exchange of knowledge, experience, culture and language. 
  • Reserva BDF Muzkadino

    The Biodiverse Development (BDF) foundation proudly presents its new accommodation that is under construction on a recently purchased, abandoned estate. The accommodation is located in a 4-hectare reserve that is made available to BDF by Tuinreconstructie and Sunny Future (SF). This accommodation, just like the other accommodations, will be fully supplied with electricity from solar panels supplied by SF. In addition to the fact that the reserve accommodates an enormous biodiversity and contributes to the (drinking) water supply in the region, the forest also records tons of CO². This compensates for an important part of the CO² emissions from Tuinreconstructie (landscapingcompany in the Netherlands) & Sunny Future.